7 Not-so-Nice Energetic Things to Protect Your Field From & The Importance of Staying Woke in the Subtle Realms

**This blog post is energetically protected from any and all negative or harmful energies, entities, beings and frequencies that do not align with divine love and the highest good of all those receiving it**

If you’ve been following me for a while, you might have seen me talk about the importance of energetic hygiene, using discernment and being vigilant about who you allow into your field. 

Today I’m going to go on a bit of a love rant deepening on this topic (and yes, please know that everything I share here today is coming from love, because true love and light isn’t ignorance or spiritual bypassing). I’m sharing what I’m about to share because I’ve seen so much bullshit mis-information, false-light crap being pumped out there in the spiritual world - very intentionally, I might add - and have experienced first hand how messy and uncomfortable it can get when you’re ignorant to what’s going on under the surface and in other realms and dimensions, not being vigilant, conscious and protective about your energy field and your energetic hygiene. 

The core thread of this transmission is around reclaiming your SOVEREIGNTY - physically, spiritually, and energetically - and making sure your boundaries and free will are respected on all levels, too. 

First up, I’m going to clear some misinformation that I’ve seen circulating that frankly makes me want to set the people spreading it on fire. I have seen this circulating a lot online, and part of it seems logical with some element of truth to it, which led me to believe it for a long time. 

A little while ago, I took part in an ascension accelerator program which was a rather painful soul contract I’d agreed to, to illuminate just how much yucky stuff is going on in the lower realms and enable me to call back my power and sovereignty. 

Looooooong ass story short, the experience was basically a bunch of dark forces siphoning my energy and my soul codes, capping my growth potential and attacking me, while masquerading under a lot of false light BS and promises around ‘aligning you with your highest timelines of abundance’ and ‘activating your soul mission codex’. 

In hindsight, some of the things we were taught in this container around lower vibrational entities and energetic attacks make sense to me now, and I can see the agenda behind why we were taught what we were. We were taught that all we need to do is “ascend our frequency” past the lower realm realities and timelines where the negative agendas and dark forces hang out, and ‘create our own realities’ by not focusing on or giving any attention to the very real things that these beings were doing to suppress us. That in merely focusing on realities where they don’t exist, they can’t access or see us.

Look, while I’m in complete agreement that we create our own reality, I don't want to feed more of my precious energy or attention to these negative entities and would rather be on timelines that they don’t exist any more at all because I’ve “ascended so far” and am only in realities of love and light… the reality is, they do exist here and now in this transitional dimension we’re all currently navigating. And ‘turning our blind eye’ by focusing on realities where they don’t exist, thinking that protects us by default, is just plain ignorance. 

Frankly, anyone who claims they’re fully anchored in 5D all of the time, I would be highly skeptical of. Yes, you might spend a lot of time in 5D and feel bliss, joy, love, connection etc. But we’re still fluctuating between dimensions as Gaia ascends, the transition is still happening and the timelines are always shifting, which means we still need to be vigilant and alert. We haven’t fully anchored it in yet as a collective. 

One day, yes, perhaps we’ll be completely past all of this and there will be no need to protect ourselves because we’ll be completely unified and anchored in 5D and there won’t be any desire to hurt each other. That’s the reality and the vision I’m focusing on, and one day soon it will be real.

But… we’re still not quite there yet, and as we edge closer, beings with negative agendas become more and more desperate to hold us back as we slip out of their control.

Pretending they simply don't exist or that I’m “so ascended” or “of the light” that they can’t touch me, so there’s no reason to defend or shield myself from anything, is actually just being irresponsible. 

Ironically, the more I have ascended and stepped into my light, the more I become a target for these attacks. Firstly, because I become more visible, and secondly because this is just a natural part of experiencing polarity. The more light you experience and hold, the more it illuminates the darkness (and therefore, the darkness also seems darker).
The more you anchor into your soul mission and purpose, and begin to spread that light onto others… the more of a threat you cause to those who don’t want humanity to ascend. 

Again, please don’t let this spook you. It’s all very paradoxical really.
I exude more light, so I attract more attacks… but those attacks ironically just initiate me into holding more light and reclaiming more of my sovereignty. The beings who are attacking me and trying to disempower me are literally responsible for initiating me more deeply into my power (well that backfired, didn’t it, suckas) as I develop less and less tolerance for putting up with that which does not serve me or is crossing my boundaries.

Something that helps bring me peace when I’m under attack (which I have been a lot in the past year) is to see these attacks as an initiation - spiritual training, as it were.

From my experience, some of these beings use incredibly advanced tactics and technologies that find loopholes through your defences, even going so far as to make you feel ‘safe’ and secure so that you don’t even recognise you’re under attack at all. The more different types of attacks I receive, the more I learn about what’s out there in the quantum field, how to better protect my field (and work with higher tech myself that enables me to do this), and what I need to be mindful of on a daily basis. 

I become more and more sovereign and my boundaries and defences become stronger as my awareness becomes a superpower. Yes, the attacks get more intricate and more frequent… but I become more powerful and badass at dealing with them. The more times I fight them off, the better I get at it. So while it’s far from fun, from the highest perspective, it’s a gift and the medicine I need to become fully sovereign and un-fuck-with-able. I’m not a victim, I called in these experiences on some level so I can grow, evolve, and fully embody my power. 

When you’re someone who is self aware, and doing a lot of ancestral clearing, personal healing, and work on yourself, it’s very easy to immediately assume that what you’re feeling is yours - a result of your own trauma, karma, or wounding - and to try to transmute it. 

Sometimes we don’t even realise we’re under attack, or that what we’re feeling isn’t our shit to feel. 

Sometimes it takes a while for us to realise we’re not quite ourselves before we can come home to our own personal frequency.

This is why it’s so important to establish what your core soul frequency and your field feels like when you’re clear and what ‘true north’ feels like to you, to make it more easy to discern whether you’re just clearing your own stuff or there’s something else at play. 

This is why it’s also so important to be shielding and protecting ourselves on a regular basis, so we’re simply not attracting or allowing anything into our field that doesn’t belong to us - because we have enough of our own shit to clear and deal with, without having to take on anybody else’s.

So with that being said, here are a few different things you might encounter, so you know what to protect your field from, and what to be scanning for if you’re feeling a little off energetically or not quite like yourself and have established it might not be your stuff that’s coming up. 

  1. Direct attacks from lower astral beings, demons or low vibrational entities

If you’re experiencing one of these, you’ll more than likely know it. You will feel the fear frequency being pumped into your field so strongly that even if you’re the strongest, most fearless being of light, you still start to feel paranoid or having dark thoughts. These are entities and beings who are intentionally trying to snuff your light out, siphon your energy, and wreak havoc on your field purely because, well, they’re dicks. There’s no other way to put it. They essentially get off on bringing you down and preventing you from fulfilling your soul mission. They target you when you’re alone and isolated, and at your most vulnerable. These attacks can be obvious (you literally feel panic and fear come over you out of nowhere, and it feels like you’re under attack, symptoms of psychosis or suicidal thoughts, heart palpitations, nervous system fear responses etc), or subtle (you gradually slip into a depression over time, feel unmotivated, heavy, disconnected etc).

They specifically target light workers, healers, anyone who has a lot of light to share with the world. If you are experiencing these attacks and declaring your sovereignty, using your own defence protocols and shielding yourself with divine love isn’t doing it, it’s best to get help from someone who is capable, has the technology or has fought off these attacks before (I can recommend a few of my go to’s, or also help you to do this myself). Unfortunately I can’t share publicly some of my own personal protocols dealing with these beings as I have quite the target on my back at the moment (oh the joys) and don’t want to risk my defence strategy to coming into the wrong hands.

Please note that there are a lot of people in the industry masquerading as “leaders of light” who unfortunately are either in cahoots with, working for, or are actually these beings under the surface… use discernment and really tune into someone’s field before working with them or following their guidance. A good rule of thumb is - if something feels off energetically, or someone is offering you something that is too good to be true (AKA rapid ascension, “codes”, abundance leaps etc without having to do any actual self awareness, processing or soul work)… it probably is. The only way to truly ascend, is through the heart space. There is no short cut, magic pill, or ‘rapid evolution process’ that will get you out of dealing with your shit and learning to be more loving and compassionate with your human. Yes, the transmutation process can be fast if you’ve developed the ability, and you can quantum leap fairly quickly. But you can’t spiritually bypass yourself out of having to sit with inevitable discomfort and shadow from time to time. #rantover

2. Energetic vampires, beings or people siphoning your energy either intentionally or unintentionally

Sometimes - like in my experience in the container - we unconsciously consent to our life force energy being siphoned by lower realm beings who are very intentionally siphoning our energy for their own purposes and to fuel their own grids. Other times, we are being drained unintentionally by people around us who are negative, heavy, and pulling on our light because they can’t generate their own. These are people who feel like they’re literally sucking the life out of you, or bringing you down. Occasionally we have leaks in our energy or chords going from our field to theirs - this particularly happens to those close to us who are unable to or unwilling to do their own healing work for whatever reason. Fixing this is pretty simple, it’s about calling all of your energy back to you, sending back everything that is not yours, dissolving any attachments or chords and sealing your field. Sometimes if it’s more complex or ongoing (like you consenting unconsciously or due to a soul contract), you might need some assistance getting to the bottom of it.

3. Unwelcome or unwanted spirits

These aren’t necessarily malicious in nature, but are simply spirits who haven’t passed on that are attracted to your light. They notice your field is open and that you might be able to see them, and they come for your recognition or to be seen. Sometimes, they desire help or assistance. Other times, they just want to hang around and annoy you. Whatever the case, unless you have soul missions to help spirits cross over as a medium or similar, you shouldn’t have to be dealing with any of these. Stating your clear energetic boundaries, declaring that they are not welcome in your field, and calling in higher dimensional beings (such as archangels) to help them move on seems to do the trick usually. There are also many gifted healers who can very easily move on any spirits attached to your field.

4. Processing emotions or trauma for others & the collective

Technically this isn’t really an ‘attack’ per se, but it’s still something you should be shielding yourself from and clearing from your field regularly. We can unconsciously take on all manner of shit that isn’t ours, particularly when we’re in dense grids or surrounded by people who aren’t doing their own healing work. Particularly if you’re anything like I was, with an active saviour/martyr complex in your field. I’m going to cut straight to the point - clearing for others is not your responsibility. Sometimes, you might have contracts around clearing for the collective (I have had some of these, they’re not fun to navigate TBH and are extremely frustrating when you really want them to end, but forever reason haven’t completed the contract) but generally you can claim sovereignty and declare that you don’t desire to do it anymore. Clearing the rest of the stuff is as simple as scanning for it by asking ‘is this mine?’ when emotions pop up for you, and sending it all into the light to be transmuted by source if it’s not.


5. Negative projections from others

This is pretty basic and simple - when you’re a divine cosmic mirror that triggers other people’s healing (which is basically the job of any light worker) people might try to project their negativity, jealousy or judgement on you when they’re feeling triggered. And that’s frankly no bueno in my opinion. As the saying goes - not my circus, not my monkeys. 

Dissolve and send back any negative projections and energy, or anything that doesn’t belong to you.

6. Implants, seals, and quantum tech

I’m not going to go into too much depth on these because frankly, it’s not my area of expertise, even if I have removed a lot of this stuff from my own and from my clients fields over the years. However, be aware that there’s also sorts of quantum technology that can be placed in your field to limit your energy, siphon or drain your life-force, and hold back your ascension process. There are many people who are gifted and skilled at removing such tech, and it’s not usually a huge deal to remove this stuff once you’ve discovered it. In fact, you can usually remove a lot of it yourself simply by calling on your higher self, your guides, source etc and declaring it. The most important part is becoming aware of anything that is in your field and limiting you (by asking for it to be revealed, and intentionally scanning for it), and then working to remove it. 

7. Spells, contracts and vows

Again, technically these don't fall under the category of attacks (unless they’re spells or dark magic being used by others) but they’re important to scan your field for, and be aware of. A lot of the time, we have made vows or contracts in past lives (or in our dream state, in the astral realm) which open ourselves up to things that aren’t actually in our highest, or aren’t beneficial to us anymore as the contract has already served its purpose. For instance, I had agreed to a soul contract which enabled these beings to siphon me, and for the whole experience to happen in the first place for my own evolution and growth. Yet, even after I recognised the soul contract, I still had to declare and complete it for it to be over.

Sometimes you might have made vows (for instance, vowing never to use your power again in a past life) that are unconscious to you, which see you attracting some negative shit, or being unable to move forward in some way. 

The wording can be a bit tricky at times with soul contracts and vows, so it might take a few tries to really hit the nail on the head of what specifically you’re voiding. You can ask your higher self to open the archives and reveal any vows or contracts which are currently holding you back from embodying your highest timelines or potential in any way.

A lot of the things you might experience are actually quite simply fixed once you get the knack of scanning and shielding your own field. And if whatever it is persists, there are many people out there who are skilled at removing this stuff (and whose soul purpose is to remove this stuff) - so there’s no shame around asking for help. 

There’s no need to be fearful or paranoid about this stuff. 

You’re a powerful being of light, and you have the capacity to fight off anything that’s coming at you.

Remember, everything is always serving a divine purpose and leading back to love… yes, even these lower beings and attacks.

As long as you are scanning, shielding, clearing and being aware of the sorts of things that are out there, so you know what it is you’re potentially up against… you’re pretty golden. 

It doesn’t need to be difficult, or scary, or dramatic… it just needs to be part of your awareness, so you can be intentional about how you navigate the subtle realms and about your own energetic field. 

That’s really all this message is about at its core. 

It’s about being aware, not ignorant. It’s about being vigilant, not lazy. 

It’s about making sure you’re adequately defending your field whenever you do work, open yourself up, or interact with others. 

If you’re not doing that, its kinda like having a string of one night stands without wearing protection, while praying that you don’t get an STI. 

And on that lovely note, that’s where I’m leaving you.

If you need support clearing your field, would like to learn how to protect and shield your energy, or just need any guidance with anything that has been mentioned in this transmission… don’t hesitate to shoot me a message. We’re all in this together!


Having a light masculine container for your dark feminine chaos & inner union coding