All of us come here with a soul purpose, with gifts that we are here to share with the world that increase the vibration of the planet – assisting in the ascension process and awakening of humanity that is occurring right now. This is also known as your dharma, your act of devotion to the world, or your soul mission. 

Your soul purpose is multi-faceted and is not just what you are doing, but who you are being. In order to fulfil your soul purpose and mission, literally all you need to do is be the most authentically, uniquely you-iest version of YOU that there is and share that with the world. 

Many starseeds and lightworkers come to this Earth with a burning obsession with discovering their ‘soul purpose’ from a young age, and feel lost, purposeless or even depressed until they are connected with this purpose. For me, I was asking the questions of ‘why am I here?’, ‘what is my purpose?’ and ‘how can I help people?’ from my teens onwards and went through the majority of my twenties on a determined mission, turning over every stone and going down every pathway possible to find the answers. I was miserable to say the least, until I found the path that I am on now, and began connecting with my soul gifts and mission.

 There are no words apt to describe the joy, the magic, the bliss, the excitement, the abundance, the fulfilment, the alignment that comes from being connected with your purpose here in this lifetime, and I am incredibly grateful that my soul contract saw me connecting with mine so early on in life, as many people go their entire lives searching but never finding this purpose.

However, a large part of my soul purpose is helping other lightworkers connect to and remember theirs… so here are a few windows that you can look through and self enquiry points to make, in order to find your soul purpose!


  1. What are you naturally good or gifted at?

 Humans are conditioned to believe that we need to work hard in order to succeed, and that it’s hard to believe that we could get celebrated, paid and appreciated for the things that we find very easy or natural to do. To the contrary, our soul purpose and gifts are actually something that come very easily and naturally to most of us. In fact, by using them you are inciting the energy of the entire Universe to conspire in your favour. Meaning: you don’t have to do anything but stay in your zone of genius and use your gifts, and everything else you could possibly need to make your soul mission happen - resources, finances, support, connections, structures, opportunities - will be provided for you. I could write a whole blog on this topic because it’s something my clients frequently struggle with understanding, but to avoid going on a love rant… 

Look at what comes easiest or naturally to you, and you’ll quickly uncover some of your core soul gifts. These could be skills and talents that you have – such as public speaking, healing, dancing, painting, cooking, musicianship, writing, being good at maths or science etc – but also includes your inherent personality traits.

 Traits that come naturally to you such as emotional intelligence, empathy, compassion, problem solving, leadership, creative thinking, or even esoteric wisdom that you simply possess without knowing how you know also count as soul gifts (remember, soul purpose is not about what you are doing, but who you are being in the process). Perhaps people always come to you for help and support and you’re really great at helping them solve or work through their problems. Perhaps you’re amazing at lifting the vibe when those around you are sad. Perhaps you’re a natural born leader and people tend to look up to and respect you.
All of these are traits belonging to your soul signature frequency and being an authentic embodiment of them is an important part of your soul’s purpose here. 
If you’re struggling to answer this question, ask your friends and nearest and dearest to help by asking them, in their opinion, what they perceive your strengths to be. What do other people tell you you’re good at?

2. What bothers you that other people aren’t good at?

 Often it’s the gifts that come naturally to us that we can’t for the life of us understand why others don’t have. We take these traits or talents of ours for granted, assuming everyone else should find it as easy or natural as we do. Therefore we are often triggered, frustrated or inpatient when someone around us isn’t embodied in a soul gift or trait that comes naturally to us.

Look at where you get easily bothered or annoyed at someone not understanding, being good at, or ‘getting’ something the way you do. Does it trigger you when people are slow at doing certain activities? What can you not tolerate other people lacking – for instance emotional intelligence, the ability to grasp concepts, the ability to take action on their desires, etc. 

3. What can you lose time doing?

Our soul purpose and gifts activate the flow of the Universe within us - when we are fulfilling them, we become open vessels, channels and conduits for divine (kundalini, shakti, creative, life-force) energy to flow through. This energy heals, uplifts, brings joy and love to others and to ourselves. 

In a flow state, all worries and thought melts away and you become completely present, devoted and immersed in the activity you are doing. You seem to slow down or lose all sense of time completely – you look down and begin writing, and then when you look at the clock again, it’s been 5 hours. Look at the hobbies, interests, activities and talents in your life that you can lose all sense of space and time doing, and more importantly, the things that bring you immense joy. 

4. What lights you the F up, what brings you joy & what are you passionate about?

One of the core missions we have in incarnating here on Earth is to experience joy and excitement and doing what we love to do, because the frequency of joy and excitement is incredibly high on the vibrational scale and naturally attracts abundance into our life. 

Actually- abundance, joy and love is our soul’s natural state of being, so anything that gets you in touch with or vibin’ on those frequencies is going to be in alignment with your soul mission and purpose… yep, even if you can’t figure out how to ‘monetize’ it yet. 

Tbh, lots of things that are part of my ‘soul purpose’ - like spending long periods of time in trance states, doing grid-work, or making music for instance - don’t get me directly paid, but they bring me feelings of joy, passion, excitement or fulfilment… meaning, prioritising doing these things regularly calls abundance into my field in other crazy, miraculous ways. 

Not to mention, you being in your joy is uplifting and awakening others -which is a large part of the reason you came here, old soul! When we are in a state of joy, excitement and passion, that is infectious to those around us. You can’t help but feel excited and uplifted around someone that is passionate about and joyful about what they do! In doing things that bring us excitement and joy, we are giving others permission to follow their bliss and do the things that light them up, allowing them to activate and share their soul gifts. 

When looking at this window, ask yourself - what could you talk about or do until you’re blue in the face? If you were stranded in the desert and could take or do only one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

And for the record, I want to say that there have been times on this journey where I’ve had no effing clue what actually brings me joy - particularly during my experiences of the dark night of the soul where I was feeling super disconnected from feelings of joy and happiness, or desire to live at all.

So if this is you, and you can’t connect to or figure out what brings you joy right now, that’s ok! 

I invite you to go out and try a whole heap of new things until you find activities that do. You’d be surprised at what you might find - I didn’t actually even know half the things that now bring me the most joy existed. If someone had’ve told me a decade ago one of my greatest joys in life would be connecting to spirits and channeling messages or doing energetic work for others, I would have laughed in your face, because this wasn’t even something that was on my radar as a possible hobby or soul gift. As you begin to make the commitment to connecting more deeply with your soul frequency signature, things will drop into your field that will surprise and thrill you, that are completely left of field or unexpected. Ask your soul every single day to guide you to the things that light you up and bring you joy, and prepare to follow the intuitive nudges and pings to be led to what that might be. Last - but certainly not least -

5. What traits/gifts of yours bring others around you joy, peace, love, healing or activation when you are authentically expressing them?

As I’ve already pointed out, our soul purpose and gifts are given to us to share, and in the act of sharing these gifts we are uplifting those around us and, as a result, the vibration of the planet. 

When looking through this window, ask yourself what it is that you do that people often express their gratitude towards you for doing/being. For instance, are you naturally thoughtful and kind? Do you enjoy nurturing, helping and supporting others? Is your presence uplifting or inspiring? Do people often feel triggered or activated around you (this is true for most star seeds and lightworkers - myself included)? Do people go apeshit for your cooking, or become overwhelmed with emotion when you play the instrument you play? Do people reach out to you to thank you for inspiring them with your writing? Or simply appreciate you for holding a loving, non-judgemental space for them?  

What is it that you do that you know brings a positive impact to others? 

These are 5 windows you can look through in order to uncover your soul gifts and purpose, but believe me when I say that in no way is this going to compile and exhaustive list! Your purpose and mission is always changing and evolving as you do, and as you uncover, reclaim and reconnect to more of your multi-dimensionality. Which means, you have permission to choose which gifts, timelines and missions you focus on and devote time to. 

If you are wanting to connect more deeply to your soul gifts and purpose, discover your soul purpose and mission blueprint or activate & reclaim multi-dimensional gifts from other incarnations and timelines, I can help… It’s literally my soul purpose ;) You can book a 45 minute channeled soul purpose session where I can assist you in accessing the Akashic records and connect to any past lifetimes that are relevant to this incarnation, along with determining what your mission and purpose in this incarnation is. I also offer Intensive channeling/activation/healing sessions and extended 1-1 mentorships where we can activate your divine DNA, perform soul reclamations and karmic clearings and access/reactivate your soul gifts. Check out my website for these offerings, or email me for more information on how to apply for 1-1 mentorship with yours truly. 


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