An important message from Archangel Uriel about the events unfolding in our collective

 It's been quite a wild time to be alive with this massive full moon in Aries that has just occurred.
I've been away in the jungle for a few days staying with friends, spending time in ceremony, in nature, in community and sharing beautiful conversations and exchanges.

We even had a wild experience on Sunday where two of my friends I was staying with were receiving readings from a Balinese reader, who immediately when entering the home brought with her some not-so-nice entities we had to clear and send away (that was fun lol, particularly when they were making all sorts of noises in the house to try to frighten us).

It's times like this I'm grateful to be a badass witch who knows wassup and feels any sort of energetic fuckery immediately and clearly in my body ;)

The reason I'm writing this is because of a visit I received from Archangel Uriel on Sunday night/Monday morning.

I haven't spent much time hanging out with Archangel Uriel, but Uriel is the angel of wisdom, death & prophecy. So, given the message that came through, it totally makes sense.

This one is not to be taken lightly, and I urge you to receive this message with LOVE and hope, not with fear and panic. It's a lot to receive.

Upon receiving this message, I was pretty beside myself. With grief, with pain, with sadness, but also with hope and trust that it'll all work out for the best.

The message was a warning of what was coming, to help me better prepare myself for my mission in supporting humanity through the turbulent times that will arise as a result.

In the moment Uriel came to me, I was being shown that there was something really heavy that was going down in the energetic realms, and in our collective. I was assured that the light has overcome, but that there would be fallback from these events.

I don't desire to pay too much credence to what's been going on in the lower realms of humanity for many reasons. Firstly, by paying attention to it, we feed it. Secondly, I see it all as necessary part of awakening and humanity's ascension to freedom and sovereignty.

But suffice it to say, there's been some SHIT going on in the underbelly of humanity that's kept us in suffering and slavery for a long time. In the past years, I've had a lot of contracts revealing, healing and cleaning up the grids of suffering and the enslavement of souls by some beings who have not wanted humanity to be free.

If you've been following or aware of any of this stuff, a lot of it has to do with the children being kept in captivity, child slavery, sex trafficking, and those souls trapped in these loops of endless suffering. It has to do with the shadow governments and the systems that seek to control and enslave humanity by keeping us trapped in the matrix.

Again, I'm not a fan of circulating messages around this stuff because I don't want to feed into it with more fear or hate - I believe in being able to raise our frequency beyond these realms and creating new worlds, rather than buying into the drama and negativity and becoming obsessed with 'fighting the darkness'.

But that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, and it doesn't have an affect on our collective.

I believe that all of it (including the horrible shit) is divine, and is serving a purpose in the collective awakening.

Recently, I had to come up against multiple psychic attacks as part of an 'ascension accelerator' I joined, which led me into being able to forgive and love the beings doing the attacking - seeing them, the darkest 'most evil' entities, as a part of the whole. Recognising that I was not a victim, I called that experience in on a soul level, and that without them, I would not have been able to see my true sovereignty. 

I was - like we did with the beings in the house the other night - able to see the higher perspective, love them, politely tell them they were not welcome, and send them back to the light.

This is where we're at as a collective. This is the point we have reached. Where it's now the time to shine the light on all of the shit that has been going on, WITHOUT FEAR, and claiming our sovereignty in love. 

The good news is, these cycles are ending. These beings are leaving our planet (other channels have received similar messages, that the Galactic federation have asked these beings to leave, and they have agreed to leave).

And with that comes the freedom from humanity's enslavement.
But with this freedom, comes a mass awakening.
Things that have been long hidden, are going to come into the light.

And frankly, it breaks my heart because the majority of humans are not equipped to deal with facing a lot of it.

For those of us who have been doing the work - the lightworkers, the healers, the priestesses - we understand the cycles of darkness and light. Destruction as a necessary part of creation.

We have the tools to feel all of it and not turn away, to transmute it to love.

Many of the humans currently on this planet unfortunately do not possess these skills currently.

When these things come to light about the system they have been a part of and is all that they have known, shit is going to get messy.

It will be a rude shock that will jolt them into awakening.

Many will not know what to do with their grief.

The systems will collapse.

People will panic, will riot, will be at odds with each other, will be experience deep cognitive dissonance.

I'm not going to lie, it will feel pretty apocalyptic.

But people like you and I, we know the truth. We know in our hearts that this is leading to love. That it is leading to the beautiful anchoring of the New Earth. We know deep down that this is a victory, because that which is not truth, that is not love, can no longer hold in the energies we are moving into.

Really, it's a fucking magical thing... even if many people will not be able to perceive it that way or see beyond the darkness.

So the invitation is this, dear soul, while these events begin to unfold.

Do not panic.

Do not fear.
Do not buy into the drama unfolding, the mass hysteria, the panic.

Remember why you came here.

Remember all the love that you hold.

You are and will be needed, more than ever to shine the light for all of those who are lost through these times.

You have literally been preparing for this for LIFETIMES.

You have done the work to understand the cycles of healing.

You know how to hold faith, trust, love and the higher vision and timelines for humanity.

We are counting on you, every single one of you.

Every single one of you is here to influence, affect, guide or help someone (or many people) out of this darkness and into their own freedom... you do this by the embodiment of your own journey and the strength that has built within you.

You do this by standing in your truth and wisdom.

You do this by choosing love, choosing to be a vessel and expression of that love even in all the confusion, chaos, suffering and pain.

You do this by remembering how much you love humanity, that you chose to come here and be human.
We are here out of service for them (for us). We are here to guide them home to themselves, by going on our own journey to remembering and awakening to the truth of our souls.

We are all in this together. We are banded together. We are strong. We are divinely supported by so many beautiful, benevolent beings in this process. We can each tap into these frequencies to support us individually in our missions, and collectively.
We do not have to do this alone.

Remind yourself, when times get tough, that you have everything you need to get through this. To hold this. To be with this. To not turn away from this. To love all of it, even the chaos and darkness.

Many of us will be called to step up now and lead.
There's no more room for playing small or being afraid of or unworthy of your mission.

Can we lean into the excitement together, and see beyond the fear and panic?
Can we recognise what's really happening is our own liberation and freedom?
Can we witness the light that is wanting to come through in the deepest moments of darkness and despair?

Of course we can, because we've been preparing for this, on all of our individual journeys.

So, that's my message today.

My soul is leaping for joy, while my human quietly is shitting herself with human worries like but how will we survive without money, but where will we live, but how will we feed ourselves, but but but...

Deep down I trust, and I know that I am ready for this... and so are you.

I love you infinite being of light,

B xxx

P.S. If you would like to deepen your connection to your own wisdom and inner guidance, so you can trust fully through the chaos and uncertainty...
So you can get your own information directly from the source, and know what actions you need to take... if you are ready to open to the realms beyond this physical plane…

 Psychic AF is for you

Early bird is closing soon! Get on it while you can!


Having a light masculine container for your dark feminine chaos & inner union coding


Sitting in the not knowing