Navigating the Void of Transformation - The Lull Before The Quantum Leap

When you’re in the void of transformation and healing, it can feel a lot like you have been abandoned by your spiritual team, by God, by your higher self.

The downloads, the intuitive hits, the channeling, the signs, the nudges, seem to stop entirely and you can feel incredibly disconnected from support or guidance - ironically when you feel like you need it the most.

You feel completely out of alignment, lost, you feel like you can’t trust your own intuition or feelings about things, so you start looking outside of yourself again for confirmations, for validation, for wisdom and guidance.

You start believing that nothing you’re doing is working, because you’re not seeing results happen the way that they would in the past.

You stop desiring to take action at all and become completely paralysed in the process.

It feels like nothing is changing in your reality even though all you’ve been doing is clearing, upgrading and healing.

You feel completely left in the dark, not sure when you’ll ever reach the other side of the tunnel or if you even will.

Not sure if things will ever change, or whether you’ll be stuck here forever.

It feels like you’ve slowly slipped into a deep depression without even realising - and while you know things are always darkest before dawn, you’ve completely forgotten all the reasons why you started down this journey in the first place.

Becoming increasingly more frustrated every time someone tells you to just ‘shift your focus’ or points out that you are creating everything that’s showing up because you are already aware of that.

You’re already aware that some part of you created everything you’re seeing around you, and you can’t understand why even though you’re trying every freakin thing you can, you can’t seem to shift your situation or how you’re feeling or what you’re creating.

You are aware that you are powerful, sovereign being - you can feel your power, you can feel the way your energy has been upgrading and shifting and surging through you - and yet, somehow you feel so disconnected from that.

Somehow you still let yourself get caught up in victim.

You feel so small, so powerless, so at the whim to your circumstances.

You keep going round and round in a loop of becoming frustrated with yourself because you’re aware you’re creating everything you’re seeing, but nothing you are doing to snap out of it is changing anything - you’re aware that by allowing yourself to play out low vibrational emotions you are blocking yourself from creating your desires, but you can’t seem to shift out of them.

You’re waking up every day just going through the motions, trying everything you can to connect to joy, to love, to gratitude, to play, but feeling it almost impossible at times - feeling like an endless battle with yourself.

You stop having compassion for the parts of yourself that want to remain in suffering, remain stuck, remain playing victim loops - you begin to develop a deep resentment towards your shadow.

You keep pushing and forcing and trying to break through to the other side - you keep begging and praying and asking for support and guidance and feeling like you are meeting radio silence.

You keep fighting and showing up and working through it all every single day, and shifting your focus back to what you desire to create - even though you’re fucking tired and every part of you wants to just give up and check out.

Believe it or not, but it is in THESE moments that you are growing the most.

It’s not when everything is shifting instantly, and life is magical, and all your desires are being magnetised and manifested with ease.

It’s when you’ve been pushed deeper and deeper into the void and forced to recommit-

Even when nothing is seeming to work, even when you’re not even sure what the point of showing up is anymore, when there’s no rewards, results or instant gratification for all the work you are doing on yourself.

Even when you’re about five seconds away from quitting it all, moving back to your parents place and going to work in a coffee shop (been here more times than I’m willing to admit).

It takes a powerful fucking soul to enter into a void that deep, into a darkness that prolonged, without knowing where the other side is, but in full trust that it will.

It takes an incredible being to willingly choose to come to this dimension and go through the ascension process during the increasingly intense times we are facing on our Earth, just to anchor light and guide others.

It takes an amazing amount of love, light to keep going, keep trusting, keep believing and keep showing up even when nothing is working, when it feels like God has abandoned you, and when things in your life seem to be going backwards in the process of transformation.

It takes an amazing amount of strength to keep bringing yourself back to the truth, to the higher perspective, to gratitude and love, to focusing on what you desire to create, rather than allowing yourself to wallow and dwell on what’s not working in your life.

It’s a practice, it’s a choice, and it’s one you have to make over and over and over again.

It’s a learned skill to be able to continue to reach for the light, to focus on the light, when you’re surrounded by a darkness that never seems to end.

One day, you will look back at this period with nothing but gratitude and appreciation because you will realise that it was in this void - in these moments where you didn’t know whether you could keep going - you were becoming the embodiment of the person who is capable of fulfilling your mission here and creating all of your wildest dreams in the process.

If you are in the void and you are needing support or guidance navigating this stage of your ascension process, reach out to me in the DMs on Instagram @becmylonas or book a free consultation with me.


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