How Much Divine Feminine Energy Do You Embody?

If you were curious to find out just how much divine feminine energy you embody, I created a quiz... let's play!

(This is non gender specific and refers to energy not gender - we all have both feminine and masculine, wounded and divinely expressed traits no matter our gender, and these exist along a continuum. You can be super embodied in your divine feminine energy and also super embodied in your divine masculine energy - this is what inner union is all about).


Choose a response to the following statements and add the number next to the corresponding answer to compile your final score - let me know your final score in the comments, tag and share this post if you enjoyed!

Let’s go—-


I allow myself to feel my emotions

Never (+1)

Rarely (+ 2)

Sometimes (+3)

Often (+ 4)

Always (+5)

I am able to speak my truth to others

Never (+1)

Rarely (+ 2)

Sometimes (+3)

Often (+ 4)

Always (+5)

I trust and follow my intuition

Never (+1)

Rarely (+ 2)

Sometimes (+3)

Often (+ 4)

Always (+5)

I go with the flow and follow what brings me joy, pleasure or inspiration in the moment

Never (+1)

Rarely (+ 2)

Sometimes (+3)

Often (+ 4)

Always (+5)

I am comfortable with receiving (support, money, love etc)

Never (+1)

Rarely (+ 2)

Sometimes (+3)

Often (+ 4)

Always (+5)


Final score between 5-11
You are embodying little to no divine feminine energy currently

And there is absolutely no shame in that!

Many of us start this journey out (me included!) either embodying wounded feminine traits or operating heavily from a masculine energy.

You would benefit from doing some work getting in touch with your inner goddess: learning to soften, allow, and tuning into your feelings, your creativity & intuition.

It's time to learn to claim and love all of you, boo - self love and heart opening work is key for this group.

Final score between 12-18
You are well on your way to claiming your crown, princess!

You've clearly done some work on yourself, and it shows!

You feel relatively comfortable in your own skin and when it comes to honouring yourself, but perhaps you still struggle to trust yourself, to be vulnerable, discern when to set boundaries or feel overly protective around others.

You could work on opening your heart, trusting surrendering a little bit more and releasing control to the divine.

Final score between 19-25
You are a magnetic, divine feminine QUEEN

Well done, goddess - you've done the work, and you are completely embodied in divine feminine energy!

You are magnetic AF and you know exactly what to do in order to alchemise and attract whatever it is you desire into reality. You are a loving, compassionate and heart-open BUT that doesn't make you weak.

You have huge amounts of self love and self respect and aren't afraid to speak up and express what you feel, regardless of how it is received by others.

Thank you for doing the work and for your leadership!


Please, please, please, if your score is lower than you'd hoped, don't beat yourself up! We are all on a journey, and only a few years ago I was embodying little - to no - feminine energy.

It's a JOURNEY, not a destination, that requires constant work, devotion dedication, self reflection and healing.

Having said that, if this is you, and you would like support activating your divine feminine energy - I can help!!

DM me on IG at @becmylonas or check out the options for working with me


The Faces of the Divine Feminine and the Goddess Awakening: Phase One - the Dark Goddess


Straddling The Line Between Insanity | Sanity