The Faces of the Divine Feminine and the Goddess Awakening: Phase One - the Dark Goddess

In the first stages of the goddess awakening within us we will experience rage, anger, distrust of the masculine and mourning for all that the feminine has been put through throughout history, for all of the pain and suffering that has happened in the world at the hand of the wounded masculine. It is in this phase where we reclaim our wild woman and lay aside all of the judgements of the ‘too muchness’ of our raw emotion - the parts of the feminine which have been chastised, rejected or cast away.

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Forgiving the Wounded Masculine

We need to remember that this work - this trauma - goes far beyond our lifetimes. The imprint of abuse and (dare I say) the subsequent hate towards the masculine runs through our ancestral lines and in our DNA.

Your reaction is justified, and real, even if you can’t attribute it to something you have a tangible memory of.

Your mothers, your grandmothers, other versions of You across other timelines have suffered at the hands of the masculine. Your rage, your distrust, your hate is justified…

And it’s also not serving anyone to hold onto anymore.

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The Difference Between Aloneness and Loneliness

Loneliness assumes that there is such a thing as separation and lack. It focuses on what is not present and what is missing.

Aloneness is knowing that we are never truly alone. It is knowing that we are all one and we don’t need to constantly surround ourselves with people to feel connected and whole.

Yes, I am alone. But I am not lonely.

I fully sink into my aloneness and enjoying my own company. I sink into feeling my energy being completely clear and unaffected.

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How to Navigate Triggers That Arise on the Road to Sacred Union

The journey to sacred union can be a heart-opening, expansive and beautiful experience - but it can be equally heart-breaking, triggering and painful. The purpose of a divine union with an external counterpart is to come into sovereign and also unconditionally loving connection with another human being, which means that in the process of coming together - and throughout the stages of relating and deepening the bond - anything internally that is blocking or in contradiction to either of these things, will be up for review. Literally every single inner child wound, past life trauma, attachment style, belief system and behavioural pattern that is not serving or is keeping you in separation from others, preventing you from fully loving and accepting yourself, or perpetuates co-dependency or unhealthy relationship pattern will be cleared in the process.

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