The Purging Process and Our Body’s Innate Self-Healing Capabilities

There’s something that humanity has forgotten about, and that is the innate ancestral wisdom we all have in our bodies. Our bodies are designed to release trauma, purge, bring us back to homeostasis, balance, and heal. Our bodies are designed to flow with the cycles of the earth – to restore during some seasons and to energise in other seasons.

This is something we used to know. We used to understand it and it used to be an inherent part of us. But as we become more and more detached from ourselves and the earth, what happens is we end up detaching from our old ways of living, ultimately forgetting how natural this process truly is.

So when our bodies attempts to ‘purge’ and release unhelpful emotions, traumas, and physical ailments, we shut down the process out of fear. This is because the process of expulsion manifests in various ways – from extreme emotions to actual physical purging.

Pay attention to your current state of emotions

How you are feeling in your current state is an accurate indication of what’s going on internally for you

You might not understand what’s happening to you on a conscious level, but just because you can’t understand it doesn’t mean it should be dismissed.

Just because you can’t rationalize it, it doesn’t mean that the emotions that are wanting to be expressed are not real. 

Trust that you don’t have to understand what’s happening. You don’t need to attribute the pain or sadness you’re feeling to anything. Trust that your body knows what it’s doing, and it knows exactly what needs to be released.

Your body is more intelligent than you think. Your body is connected to the cycles of nature.

Nature is currently purging and rebalancing, which means many of us are purging with her.

Here’s what happens when we purge

Purging is a release of emotions, traumas, conditioning, patterns, feelings, and beliefs that are either no longer needed, or are holding us back from connecting to our truth, soul, being, and presence.

The heaviness that keep us powerless, small, a victim, unconscious, all perpetuate this vicious cycle of not-enoughness.

Anything that prevents us from evolving is being brought to light right now. The inquiry is becoming: 

‘”Is this real?”
Does this serve me?
Is this helpful?
“Is this in alignment with my truth?’

If you answer ‘no’ to any of the above, then you can expect to purge, purge, purge.

Here’s WHY we purge

You cannot build a new home on a weak foundation.

You cannot create a bright new future in the shadow of the past.

When we purge, imagine the foundations are being corrected. The ancestral lines are being cleared, the beliefs and programming that prevent us from moving forward are all being brought to the surface so we can deal with it.

Only once it’s been dealt with can we start anew, and we can build the life we dream to create. We purge to let go of anything that hinders the process of rebuilding and reclaiming what is ours.

Advice for anyone in the purging process

Being in the midst of a purge can be exceptionally uncomfortable. In fact, it’s no surprise that many of you would rather not deal with it.

But the more you resist or deny it, the more you bump up against it and the harder it will be.

I know this, because I tried to fight my awakening process. I tried to deny it was happening.

I refused for so long to feel the feelings my soul was asking me to feel.

My advice? Let it take you where it needs to go, stop resisting the inevitable.

The moment you surrender and let go, the moment it becomes tolerable.

The feelings will move if you let them, and the purge will not last forever.

Know that what’s on the other side of the purge, is more love, clarity, connection, and unity with your soul-self than you can possibly imagine.

For me, purging changed who I was so fundamentally that now I don’t even recognize the person I used to be. 

I’m now happier, more balanced, and more connected to myself than I have ever been. 

And to me, that makes the whole process incredibly worthwhile. 


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