Kundalini Rising: Which of These Kundalini Awakening Symptoms Have You Experienced?

I was years into my kundalini rising before I realised what it was. I truly believe that had I known this was the culprit for my weird symptoms and feelings, it would’ve been a lot easier for me to navigate and recognise that I was not actually going insane. I didn’t need to be locked up or fed anti-psychotics. And what was unfolding was in fact a beautiful process that was healing and liberating me.

If you’re feeling out of sorts, like you’re going insane, or you’re experiencing bizarre moments in your day-to-day life, know that it’s not definitive evidence of a psychotic break. Of course, there are always cases where psychotic illnesses are the culprit (I’m not claiming to be a mental health professional or negating the experiences of those who have been through this) but sometimes this simply isn’t the case, and misdiagnosis can be incredibly harmful. We have a tendency to brush things off as ‘mental health issues’ when really, there may in fact be a spiritual basis beneath what is happening. 

All this weird stuff that’s happening to you on a daily basis is not a coincidence. If anything, it’s a sign that you’re going through something far bigger than you realise.

It very well may be a Kundalini rising or awakening that you’re experiencing.

Here are some early onset symptoms to look out for

  • Emotional outbursts: crying, sadness, turmoil, intense bouts of depression (out of nowhere), with nothing to attribute it to in your everyday life

  • A sense that something is ‘off’, weird, or that you weren’t feeling right mentally

  • The strange bodily sensations such as feeling electricity or heat shoot up your arms or your spine. This leaves you feeling zoned out like you’re somehow disassociating from your surroundings

  • Seeing strange things such as static in the air, or flecks of light from the corners of your eyes

  • Spontaneous orgasms, the feeling or sensation of tingling sexual energy (personally I never minded this one!)

  • Sudden bouts of blissful ecstasy and elation out of nowhere

  • Digestive issues or other chronic physical illnesses

More intense symptoms are also not uncommon

As the kundalini becomes more active and begins to move, it can cause symptoms such as:

  • Finding yourself in catatonic states on the floor as the electrical energy moves up through your body, from your sacral to your head

  • Finding yourself in strange poses, asanas, involuntarily

  • Going through intense emotional and physical purging processes (such as wailing and screaming, and vomiting)

  • Suddenly finding yourself speaking in strange languages (tongues)

  • Discovering other worldly gifts you never knew you had such as strange insights, sudden psychic development of ‘knowing’, the ability to heal others, and trance states

  • ‘Spiritual emergency’ symptoms that look a lot like a psychiatric break such as delusions, hallucinations, and severe detachment from reality

  • No longer fitting into or functioning in normal society, day-to-day life, your job, or your relationship

  • Finding yourself distancing and retreating from everything for no apparent reason

  • Being unlike your usual self

  • A complete challenging and crumbling of everything you knew to be true

Here’s why these symptoms happen

Kundalini (or life force energy) remains coiled or dormant at our base chakra. Once it’s awakened (either spontaneously, or during meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices) it moves through our chakra systems, unblocking all of the trauma, dense energy, and emotion stored there. Eventually it makes its way up to our crown.

It does this in cycles, moving up and down several times. It retreats to, and remains in certain chakras for long periods of time and then the process repeats itself.

You can have multiple kundalini awakening waves throughout your lifetime

The purpose of a kundalini awakening is to bring about ‘enlightenment’ (although rare, if not impossible to achieve this to the fullest degree). There are also varying phases of waves during the kundalini awakening process.

The problem is, many people in the Western society don’t recognize the process of a kundalini rising which means those going through it believe they’re experiencing psychosis, a nervous breakdown, or a physical illness of some kind.

Sufferers are isolated, fed anti-psychotics, forced into therapy, institutionalized, or wind up harming themselves because they don’t understand what they’re going through. They also lack access to the assistance, guidance, and support they desperately need.

In tribes and indigenous cultures, spiritual awakenings, initiations, calls to healing, and kundalini arising is recognized and dealt with appropriately.

But over time, us humans have become so far removed from this. We’re so far removed from our spirituality, our inner-knowing, and the natural cycles and processes of life.

And so when people go through this process, it can be incredibly damaging and harmful. When really, it’s the most enlightening, beautiful, and rewarding process we can go through as spiritual beings.

If you, or anyone you know is going through any of these symptoms, it pays to do your own research. There are many great books and resources out there.

Knowing what you’re going through, and having a thorough understanding helps the process go a lot more smoothly and allows you to embrace every moment of it.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or are struggling to manage your kundalini awakening or ascension symptoms and are needing support and guidance, please book a consultation - it can be a terrifying and isolating process to go through alone, and having seen just how intense this process can be, I’m here to help!


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