An Open Letter to Lightworkers Wanting to Exit the Planet Right now

Many light workers are battling deep feelings of wanting to leave the planet right now.

And I need to make it clear that I am not framing it in a nice fluffy “ascending so far we transcend our physical forms and go home” sort of way (because of course, we can always romanticise returning from whence we came, and how things are so much better on our home planets where everything is love and light).

When I talk about these feelings many people are having, I’m referring to desiring to intentionally leave their bodies, end their lifetime in this physical form and exit this planet for good.

I even heard one of my mentors admitting that they were recently contemplating momentarily wanting to leave the entire universe recently (I mean, because leaving this planet isn’t finite enough, lol).

I am talking about deep feelings of hopelessness, distress, sadness and homesickness that are causing many to engage in self destructive behaviours.

Full disclosure - and it is taking a lot for me to share this - I have considered ending my life more times than I’d care to admit over the past year.

I have cried out, begging to go home, or sobbing that I just didn’t want to be here anymore.

And because there is a part of me that will never give up on my mission or end my current incarnation here on Earth - no matter how strong these urges have been at times - I have self sabotaged, harmed my body and engaged in other, more mild, self destructive behaviours instead.

Binging or eating things that aren’t good for me. Continuing to smoke/vape even though it’s literally killing me. Drinking way too much caffeine. Even once or twice drinking to excess even though I don’t even enjoy drinking anymore.

Then I’ve beat myself up about it, because I’m a “light worker” and I should be able to handle this.

I should be stronger than this.

I should be able to manage my own impulses and emotions and not be at the whim of them.

Well, I’m going to call bullshit on that, cause I came here to be human during this period.

I could have easily incarnated as a spirit guide, but I didn’t.

Meaning, I CHOSE the messy, human-ness and fucking it up time and time again.

And the same goes for you, my friend.

You are not a failure if you are grappling with these deep feelings or this internal battle right now.

You are a nothing short of a HERO and a BADASS for having the courage to choose to come here again, knowing that this was what was up, and knowing how difficult it would be at times.

Let me remind you, that you are not only feeling all of your OWN stuff that is coming up to clear as we get blasted with higher and higher frequencies that are supporting the ascension of humanity, but the majority of you are SUPER SENSITIVE and empathic.

Meaning, you are also feeling your unawakened family members, your colleagues, neighbours, everyone you interact with directly or indirectly.

You are feeling all of those who have been pushed to the point of bankruptcy, or suicidal thoughts or have lost everything in this “pandemic”.

The grief of those who have lost family members or those close to us, who have already chosen to exit the planet.

Some of you are in incredibly dense grids right now, holding the line as more and more civil unrest and tension builds.

You are feeling the collective dark night of the soul so many fucking people are beginning to go through due to this forced awakening that has begun in the events of the past couple years.

NOT TO MENTION, the majority of us have chosen contracts in which we are not only clearing our own shit, but deep ancestral shit so it can finally end with us and be purged from the planet once and for all.

The other day, I was made aware of the fact that the deep sexual trauma, child abuse, slavery and victimisation I was moving through, clearing and feeling was only about 40% my own (mainly from previous incarnations).

I was not only clearing this pain for myself, but I was unknowingly latched onto by others everywhere in the collective whose pain and grief was not processed.

In ending the karmic cycle and freeing myself from the loops of victimisation and slavery (being one of the ‘lucky ones’ who got away) I was indirectly clearing for those who couldn’t clear for themselves because they were still caught in those loops and continuously reincarnating in lifetimes of abuse where they still had that karma to clear.

I’m going to be real, I have no interest in being a hero, purposefully going into the lower realms and fighting, or wandering into the darkest parts of humanity via my own suffering and memories from past lives and transmuting these dense collective memories as part of my mission, the way I used to think was my duty.

I don’t intentionally want to clear for anyone else or the collective anymore and prefer to focus on other missions where I don’t have to put myself through suffering to fulfil them (let’s be real, I’ve had enough lifetimes of that cycle).

[P.S. If this is you, and you think that your job is to be constantly clearing and holding shit for others, I encourage you to look at where the false light martyr and saviour templates are still active in you, and dismantle them, the way I had to in order to reach this conclusion - reach out if you need help with this, because this is one I know pretty damn well and have journeyed through!]

I have completely digressed, but I think I have made my point - I don’t intentionally wanna be feeling and clearing collective shit, and I don’t seek it out the way I used to thinking that it’s my responsibility as a 'shaman'.

BUT, that doesn’t mean from time to time in clearing and moving through my own stuff, I’ve found myself indirectly or unknowingly carrying and clearing things for others that isn’t mine to feel.

It doesn’t mean that it’s still not fucking difficult to be a sensitive human right now because even with all the barriers, shields and energetic protective mechanisms in the world we’re still going through a MASSIVE AWAKENING and upheaval collectively.

Many of us, in addition to this, are being targeted by lower vibrational entities at this time, latching onto us or attempting to drag us down (not even going to get into this one right now as there is no need to draw more attention to it or cause fear, and it is what it is - love will always win, full stop, end of sentence, you're not welcome, kthanksbye).

So the point is, my loves…

If this is you, and you have grappled with these feelings, I want to tell you that you’re not alone.

I have heard this so so so many times recently, and I’ve heard it from who I would consider to be some pretty fucking powerful healers, too.

Honestly the number of times I've thought the universe was personally victimising me, and I was failing for feeling like this, only to instantly feel the relief when a close friend or someone confided they felt the same and it wasn't just me.

These tendencies, emotions and feelings don’t make you less than, or weak, or inadequate, or a failure.

They make you human.

And you chose to be human right now.

I love you & I’m here to support the process in any way you need - don’t hesitate to shoot me a DM on IG @becmylonas or book a consultation if this resonates or you would like some help clearing and removing some of this density from your field, learning how to better protect yourself, clearing trauma and ending karmic cycles that are showing up for you to release, or removing false light templates that are causing you to do way more work clearing and feeling than you need to be doing right now.

Or you know, just to say hey, and I love you, and for some solidarity - cause we all have to have eachother's backs right now.


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