Straddling The Line Between Insanity | Sanity

Last night I had a moment where I thought the movie I was watching was talking directly to me, that Source was communicating the message I needed to hear through the TV.

This happens pretty frequently to me, but for some reason yesterday I had a distinct panicked thought of “oh no… am I going crazy?” as I remembered learning about how people with schizophrenia believe their TV is talking to them.

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Forgiving the Wounded Masculine

We need to remember that this work - this trauma - goes far beyond our lifetimes. The imprint of abuse and (dare I say) the subsequent hate towards the masculine runs through our ancestral lines and in our DNA.

Your reaction is justified, and real, even if you can’t attribute it to something you have a tangible memory of.

Your mothers, your grandmothers, other versions of You across other timelines have suffered at the hands of the masculine. Your rage, your distrust, your hate is justified…

And it’s also not serving anyone to hold onto anymore.

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An Open Letter to Lightworkers Wanting to Exit the Planet Right now

Many light workers are battling deep feelings of wanting to leave the planet right now.

And I need to make it clear that I am not framing it in a nice fluffy “ascending so far we transcend our physical forms and go home” sort of way (because of course, we can always romanticise returning from whence we came, and how things are so much better on our home planets where everything is love and light).

When I talk about these feelings many people are having, I’m referring to desiring to intentionally leave their bodies, end their lifetime in this physical form and exit this planet for good.

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The Problem With ‘Love and Light’ Spirituality

There is a pressure implied within the fluffy ‘light and love’ spiritual rhetoric to always have your sh*t together, be smiling, happy and positive. To control your thoughts, be present, be grateful, be positive. To be in ALIGNMENT all the damn time.

To never have a meltdown, a bad day, to lose it, or cry into the raw vegan bowl (that you just blessed) which you’re eating for lunch.

That spirituality is only about light, love and enlightenment. That healing is all sunshine, rainbows and magical plant medicine journeys. Completely failing to acknowledge our darkness, our slip ups, our emotions, our HUMAN-ness.

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