Kundalini Rising: Which of These Kundalini Awakening Symptoms Have You Experienced?

I was years into my kundalini rising before I realised what it was. I truly believe that had I known this was the culprit for my weird symptoms and feelings, it would’ve been a lot easier for me to navigate and recognise that I was not actually going insane. I didn’t need to be locked up or fed anti-psychotics. And what was unfolding was in fact a beautiful process that was healing and liberating me.

If you’re feeling out of sorts, like you’re going insane, or you’re experiencing bizarre moments in your day-to-day life, know that it’s not definitive evidence of a psychotic break

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10 Signs You - Yes, You! - Are a Healer

Many of you may be reading this, who are destined to be healers and are avoiding the call (you know who you are!). Telling yourself you’re not ready, that you’re imagining it, or you need to develop your gifts or do a course first – you’re making all of this up. Sound familiar?

If you’ve experienced one (or all) of these 10 signs, there’s a very high chance you’ve been called to the path of a healer, medicine woman, shaman, energy worker, and you’re a light-worker who was literally born to do this – and now is the time to stop ignoring these signs.

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An Open Letter to the Western World About Kundalini

Kundalini is no joke. It deserves respect, reverence and care.

I am not writing this to scare people off their kundalini practice, or to doom and gloom anyone, because for all the intense and scary things that kundalini can bring on, it can bring equally beautiful and mystical experiences, feelings, and sensations.

Kundalini is literally the life force that enables us to create worlds.

It is pure healing, sexual, creative energy.

It is the most potent, magical gift that we have at our disposal - connecting us to our divinity, our Creator consciousness and our ancient, alien lineages.

I often teach around - and will write many, many more articles surrounding - the joys of kundalini and how to harness this raw creative life force, but this article is not that.

I feel I really need to say this, because not enough people do… as wonderful, potent and magical as kundalini is (and as a kundalini awakening can be) - it is not a force to be played with lightly.

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