Straddling The Line Between Insanity | Sanity

Last night I had a moment where I thought the movie I was watching was talking directly to me, that Source was communicating the message I needed to hear through the TV.

This happens pretty frequently to me, but for some reason yesterday I had a distinct panicked thought of “oh no… am I going crazy?” as I remembered learning about how people with schizophrenia believe their TV is talking to them.

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The Challenges of Being an Old Soul

I’ve noticed a common thread occurring amongst those in my field who are highly evolved, ancient and wise souls - super gifted intuitively, priestesses with open channels who are capable of performing advanced energy work and who feel everything deeply - that has been a running theme for me too.

As advanced, activated and open as they are (particularly in the upper chakras), they seem to struggle with or tend to want to neglect the most basic principles of creation - AKA, mindset.

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5 Tips For Channeling Clear Psychic Guidance

We all have the capacity to tune into the infinite field of knowledge (also known as the Akashic, the soul, or psychic realms) and channel guidance and information. It’s not reserved for ‘special’ people who have gifts that you don’t.

What trips most people up is that they don’t have the framework within which to channel. They are also unlikely to be practicing at least one of the tips suggested in this article, or perhaps they simply do not trust the guidance that is coming through.… All of which can be rectified through practice and patience!

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