There is so much healing and forgiveness that the feminine collectively is yet to do towards the wounded masculine. 

As someone who has dedicated the better part of my journey healing my relationship with the masculine, I find it hard to believe that there’s still so much present in my field - and the collective field - that needs to be cleared. 

Today I experienced a trauma flashback - divinely guided, I’m sure - of physical abuse which made me recognise how deeply the imprint of abuse at the hands of the masculine, and fear towards the masculine runs for the feminine. 

Many of us have been doing this work for some time now, unpacking, clearing, healing and forgiving the times where our bodies have been defiled, used, abused.

I’ve gone to the depths time after time after time, reliving, transmuting, forgiving - it’s hard to believe that there’s even more to clear after the sheer number of hours I’ve spent screaming, howling, seething, curled up in a ball feeling completely decimated.

To me, the extreme reaction that came today from a simple roughhousing from my father gone wrong doesn’t seem justified given the experiences I’ve had in this incarnation and lifetime - I have been lucky, considering what some women have had to go through, and I recognise that.
Other than mild disciplinary action that was pretty standard for a Greek kid growing up (getting smacked or the wooden spoon here or there) I haven’t actually faced the kind of physical trauma or abuse that resurfaces as a distinctive memory in my body when triggered.

I mean, I’ve copped a lot of mental and emotional trauma, but nobody raped, abused or physically beat me - so I should be fine, right? Wrong.

The first instinct when this kind of ancestral or past life trauma is triggered without a clear link or memory to attribute it to from this lifetime, is self judgement - “I shouldn’t be reacting like this, it’s not justified, I should be grateful because others have had worse, what am I getting so emotional for?”.

You tell yourself to get over it.

You tell yourself you’re overreacting, you’re crazy, you’re too much.

But still, the feelings remain, they are real - the trauma response that they illicit is hard to ignore.

You find yourself shaking in a corner, wailing again and you don’t even know why -

This didn’t happen to me (at least not recently)… what am I getting so upset for? 

We need to remember that this work - this trauma - goes far beyond our lifetimes. 

The imprint of abuse and (dare I say) the subsequent hate towards the masculine runs through our ancestral lines and in our DNA.

Your reaction is justified, and real, even if you can’t attribute it to something you have a tangible memory of. 

Your mothers, your grandmothers, other versions of You across other timelines have suffered at the hands of the masculine. 

Your rage, your distrust, your hate is justified… 

And it’s also not serving anyone to hold onto it anymore.

Hating and condemning the masculine collective for what they’ve done in the past (or the present) is never going to help the wounded masculine to rise, and is also never going to free us from the shackles of our own trauma loop, our own anger which is making us sick.

I know it’s painful, I know it’s hard, I know it feels impossible to heal, to open, and to trust the masculine again. 

But, the masculine is rising, and there are some of our divine counterparts who are ready to begin to help us to heal on behalf of the rest of their unawakened brothers. 

The trauma suffered by the feminine at the hands of the masculine is something that needs to be cleared together, in union.

The masculine holding, witnessing, acknowledging - the feminine feeling, clearing, transmuting.

Not only that, but there needs to be a willingness to let it go, and to rise above it and forgive.

Accountability must be taken on behalf of the wounded masculine and all of the trauma and suffering they have caused - an accountability that we all must have together, whether feminine or masculine in this lifetime, we have all played the role of the raper, the abuser, the warlord, the cruel dictator shouting orders. 

It is in recognising that we have all been the victim and the aggressor, the feminine and the masculine, that we we have all been everything, that we will be able to heal as a collective.


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