Bec Mylonas Bec Mylonas

7 Not-so-Nice Energetic Things to Protect Your Field From & The Importance of Staying Woke in the Subtle Realms

If you’ve been following me for a while, you might have seen me talk about the importance of energetic hygiene, using discernment and being vigilant about who you allow into your field.

Today I’m going to go on a bit of a love rant deepening on this topic (and yes, please know that everything I share here today is coming from love, because true love and light isn’t ignorance or spiritual bypassing). I’m sharing what I’m about to share because I’ve seen so much bullshit mis-information, false-light crap being pumped out there in the spiritual world - very intentionally, I might add - and have experienced first hand how messy and uncomfortable it can get when you’re ignorant to what’s going on under the surface and in other realms and dimensions, not being vigilant, conscious and protective about your energy field and your energetic hygiene.

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Bec Mylonas Bec Mylonas

Having a light masculine container for your dark feminine chaos & inner union coding

I’m gonna be honest about something… I’m often so strongly in the feminine polarity that sometimes I tend to get lost within the chaos of my own emotions.

I’m an advocate for allowing yourself to feel everything, feel the chaos, the moodiness, the sadness, the grief, the pain, the darkness, and not spiritually bypassing yourself or your emotions.

There’s nothing wrong with that.

In fact, I believe its pinnacle to our healing and liberation.

But I’ve certainly gotten into the habit of getting into these cycles where I’m looping in my own storminess and can’t seem to get out of it.

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Bec Mylonas Bec Mylonas

An important message from Archangel Uriel about the events unfolding in our collective

The good news is, these cycles are ending. These beings are leaving our planet.

And with that comes the freedom from humanity's enslavement.But with this freedom, comes a mass awakening. Things that have been long hidden, are going to come into the light.

And frankly, it breaks my heart because the majority of humans are not equipped to deal with facing a lot of it.

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Bec Mylonas Bec Mylonas

Sitting in the not knowing

I see that in the past few years I have often gone through cycles within my awakening and initiation process which have affected how I am able to show up in my business.

I go through periods of long, deep soul work and healing, which then inspire a shift towards creativity and inspiration and forward momentum.

I sit in the void space of frustration and ‘not knowing’ for quite some time.

Always feeling like I need to be doing more, I need to be showing up for my audience, sharing, offering things… but at the same time feeling like I’m flogging a dead horse, that I don’t have the impulse or inspired idea, so what’s the point?

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The Faces of the Divine Feminine and the Goddess Awakening: Phase One - the Dark Goddess

In the first stages of the goddess awakening within us we will experience rage, anger, distrust of the masculine and mourning for all that the feminine has been put through throughout history, for all of the pain and suffering that has happened in the world at the hand of the wounded masculine. It is in this phase where we reclaim our wild woman and lay aside all of the judgements of the ‘too muchness’ of our raw emotion - the parts of the feminine which have been chastised, rejected or cast away.

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Straddling The Line Between Insanity | Sanity

Last night I had a moment where I thought the movie I was watching was talking directly to me, that Source was communicating the message I needed to hear through the TV.

This happens pretty frequently to me, but for some reason yesterday I had a distinct panicked thought of “oh no… am I going crazy?” as I remembered learning about how people with schizophrenia believe their TV is talking to them.

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Forgiving the Wounded Masculine

We need to remember that this work - this trauma - goes far beyond our lifetimes. The imprint of abuse and (dare I say) the subsequent hate towards the masculine runs through our ancestral lines and in our DNA.

Your reaction is justified, and real, even if you can’t attribute it to something you have a tangible memory of.

Your mothers, your grandmothers, other versions of You across other timelines have suffered at the hands of the masculine. Your rage, your distrust, your hate is justified…

And it’s also not serving anyone to hold onto anymore.

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The Challenges of Being an Old Soul

I’ve noticed a common thread occurring amongst those in my field who are highly evolved, ancient and wise souls - super gifted intuitively, priestesses with open channels who are capable of performing advanced energy work and who feel everything deeply - that has been a running theme for me too.

As advanced, activated and open as they are (particularly in the upper chakras), they seem to struggle with or tend to want to neglect the most basic principles of creation - AKA, mindset.

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5 Questions To Uncover Your Soul Purpose

All of us come here with a soul purpose, with gifts that we are here to share with the world that increase the vibration of the planet – assisting in the ascension process and awakening of humanity that is occurring right now. This is also known as your dharma, your act of devotion to the world, or your soul mission. 

Your soul purpose is multi-faceted and is not just what you are doing, but who you are being. In order to fulfil your soul purpose and mission, literally all you need to do is be the most authentically, uniquely you-iest version of YOU that there is and share that with the world. 

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Manifestation, Healing, Ascension, Surrender, Trust Bec Mylonas Manifestation, Healing, Ascension, Surrender, Trust Bec Mylonas

This Is What Happens When You Try to Control Your Manifestation (and Outsmart the Universe)

We believe we know the highest outcome, the full story, the way that things are going to pan out before we even begin the journey, and so we develop expectations which often lead to disappointment when the things that are showing up in our life do not meet these expectations.

We believe we have been jipped, we’ve been ‘tested’ by the Universe and we begin to go around in a spiral of bitterness and frustration - pushing away the blessing that has been bestowed upon us, turning up our nose at the beautiful meal the Universe has been cooking for us all along because it is not to our tastes.

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Navigating the Void of Transformation - The Lull Before The Quantum Leap

When you’re in the void of transformation and healing, it can feel a lot like you have been abandoned by your spiritual team, by God, by your higher self.

The downloads, the intuitive hits, the channeling, the signs, the nudges, seem to stop entirely and you can feel incredibly disconnected from support or guidance - ironically when you feel like you need it the most.

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Healing, Ascension, Purging, Trauma, Surrender, Trust Bec Mylonas Healing, Ascension, Purging, Trauma, Surrender, Trust Bec Mylonas

Why The Healing Process Makes No Sense – And What You Can Do About It

It’s tempting to want to rationalise or try to understand why we feel certain emotions during the healing process. We often want to know what the root cause of these emotions are, where the wounds come from, what trauma we’re healing from or what’s on the other side of the release.

We believe that if we were to know, it would be easier to give ourselves permission to go there – fully. But the reality is, so much of our wounding is on the level of soul, and what our soul is feeling doesn’t necessarily make logical or rational sense.

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Are You Afraid of Using Your Gifts as a Lightworker?

You know you’re here on earth to do great things, but fact is you’re so afraid of what may happen, so you take no steps at all.

It’s likely that deep down, you’re simply afraid of using your gifts as a Lightworker. It runs deep. By deep, I mean past lives deep.

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The Purging Process and Our Body’s Innate Self-Healing Capabilities

There’s something that humanity has forgotten about, and that is the innate ancestral wisdom we all have in our bodies. Our bodies are designed to release trauma, purge, bring us back to homeostasis, balance, and heal. Our bodies are designed to flow with the cycles of the earth – to restore during some seasons and to energize in other seasons.

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Kundalini Rising: Which of These Kundalini Awakening Symptoms Have You Experienced?

I was years into my kundalini rising before I realised what it was. I truly believe that had I known this was the culprit for my weird symptoms and feelings, it would’ve been a lot easier for me to navigate and recognise that I was not actually going insane. I didn’t need to be locked up or fed anti-psychotics. And what was unfolding was in fact a beautiful process that was healing and liberating me.

If you’re feeling out of sorts, like you’re going insane, or you’re experiencing bizarre moments in your day-to-day life, know that it’s not definitive evidence of a psychotic break

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The 4 Phases of Healing: Which Phase Are You In?

Many of us aren’t equipped to deal with (or are seriously unprepared for) the intricate process that is healing. When we start out on our healing journey for the first time, we’re in for a shock because the way that healing is portrayed by many doesn’t accurately depict what we can expect to go through.

In truth, the reality can be super bleak and the healing process can last a long time (and by that I mean our whole life, because we’re always healing and growing).

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An Open Letter to Lightworkers Wanting to Exit the Planet Right now

Many light workers are battling deep feelings of wanting to leave the planet right now.

And I need to make it clear that I am not framing it in a nice fluffy “ascending so far we transcend our physical forms and go home” sort of way (because of course, we can always romanticise returning from whence we came, and how things are so much better on our home planets where everything is love and light).

When I talk about these feelings many people are having, I’m referring to desiring to intentionally leave their bodies, end their lifetime in this physical form and exit this planet for good.

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The Difference Between Aloneness and Loneliness

Loneliness assumes that there is such a thing as separation and lack. It focuses on what is not present and what is missing.

Aloneness is knowing that we are never truly alone. It is knowing that we are all one and we don’t need to constantly surround ourselves with people to feel connected and whole.

Yes, I am alone. But I am not lonely.

I fully sink into my aloneness and enjoying my own company. I sink into feeling my energy being completely clear and unaffected.

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